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Welcome to Al Barger's MORETHINGS.COM
Unreformed hawkish Hoosier hillbilly and sometimes candidate Al Barger runs the still squeezin' down the psychodelic Kentucky moonshine at, what with the paranoid religious visions and the Pentacostal music and visions of Dr. Gene Scott explaining the world to God and anarchy running amok and such. Somebody oughta call the cops to report him for bootlegging slack like he was Jesus and giving out free get into heaven coupons - with only a modest handling fee, of course.
MoreThings Master Photo Gallery Index
Barger's Boutique - a unique handcrafted gift shop
Alcasts - Lonesome Al Barger's howlin' mad down home rightwing mp3 audio rants
Alcast #17 "Lonesome Al Barger IS Orwell Redenbacher" July 13, 2015 Lonesome Al's been by himself back in the turnip patch for too long, and he's done turned into the tinfoil hat wearing hick who isn't quite hep to the Higher Cultural Conscience of the Existence and Necessity of Transcendence. He must be crazy.
It's a regular laff riot of stupid lawyer tricks!
Top 10 Voices I Hear in My Head 11-22-02
Leonardo DiCaprio: Proud Environmentalist Demagogue
Henry Ford, the greatest benefactor in human history
Walt Disney and the memory hole 11-20-02
What should conservatives or libertarians even WANT the Supreme Court to do?
I hate the Dixie Chicks more than anyone
Torture is bad, m'kay? Still...
Fahionab-Al Albert Barger fashion layouts
Ol' Al's fan pages and song analysis
RAY CHARLES 1930-2004
ROBERT JOHNSON Download all his songs
STORMY WEATHER 1943 musical
Movies, actors and tv shows
24 Jack Bauer RULEZ!
48 Hours Eddie Murphy in Torchy's redneck bar
Restaurant (1969 Arlo Guthrie
An All-Colored Vaudeville Show (1935) Free movie download, starring the Nicholas Brothers
Anna and the King of Siam (1946 w/Rex Harrison)
Arrested Development Season 3/Series finale (2006) Bluths deserve Bin Laden
Atlas Shrugged (2011)
The Ballad of Ramblin' Jack (2000 documentary of folksinger Ramblin' Jack Elliott)
Barbershop Photo Gallery (2002) Highlighting the controversial wit and wisdom of Eddie the Barber
Blazing Saddles (1974)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Bob Roberts (Tim Robbins 1992 masterpiece)
Bringing Down the House (2003)
Candidate (1972)
Carrie (1976)
Charles Manson Superstar (1989)
The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941 film version)
Drawn Together (2004)
Le Fils (The Son) (2002)
Finian's Rainbow (1968 film version)
Freaks (1932) Picture essay on the famous wedding feast
Freeway Starring Reese Witherspoon and Kiefer Sutherland (1996)
The Great Dictator (1940) Charlie Chaplin's heroic failure
Nights (1989) Richard Pryor's best movie role
History Channel/A&E Documentaries
Kill Bill Volumes I & II (2003/2004)
Lil' Bush (2007)
A Mighty Wind (2003)
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1969)
Night of the Hunter (1941) with Robert Mitchum
One Hour Photo (2002)
Other People's Money (1991 film version)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
Mary Poppins (1964)
Quills (2000)
Madness (1936 / 2005 Showtime musical)
Rufus Jones for President (1933) all black musical starring Ethel Waters and 7 year old Sammy Davis -Free movie download
The Seventh Seal (1957)
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1978 w/Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees)
The Shield This original dramatic series has won numerous awards, and built an audience and a rep for the entire FX Network. It is the greatest cop show in the history of the television medium.
South Park It's Schoolhouse Rock with cussing
Team America (2004)
Walk the Line The Johnny Cash biopic (2005)
Nobody sees the obvious, nobody observes the ordinary. There are more miracles in a square yard of earth than in all the fables of the Church. -Robert Anton Wilson
All things what to do with God and man and law
Brother Eugene Kemple - Model Christian
Priests, thugs, and eight circuit mammalian biology
Ptolemy, Manbearpig, Global Warming and Epistemological Humility
Stringbean - Grandpa Jones - gospel - Robert Johnson - Bram Tchaikovsky - Rolling Stones - Beatles - Ray Charles - Geoff Reacher - Big Daddy - David Allan Coe
Al Barger Libertarian for US Senate
Official 2004 campaign website archive
My hawkish libertarian apostasy
Statehouse I-69 "Boondoggle" protest rally, October 22 SHAVE the animals!
Bayhs, Bargers, Gun Control and Family Traditions
Copyright law as corporate welfare
Maggie Thatcher, Patron Saint
"The problem with socialism
is that you eventually run out of other people's money." - Margaret
There's nothing down here to see. Therefore, like Sgt Schultz, other good Germans and modern patriotic Americans
Please move on
If you don't SEE the fnords, they can't eat you.
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