The Lonely Goatherd Blog And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats - Matthew 25:32
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All original content on copyright 2008 Albert Barger or the respective authors
March 08, 2006
Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon There seem to be a couple of real basic details just wrong all over the place about the reigning Oscar confirmed best actress in the land Reese Witherspoon regarding her birthplace and even the spelling of her name. Let's see if we can get this straight.
Her birth name is Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon. That's Jeanne, not Jean. She was born on March 22, 1976, in New Orleans at the former Southern Baptist Hospital now Memorial Medical Center. Baton Rouge often has been listed as her birthplace, but her father John Witherspoon was at that time in fact a medical resident at Tulane.
I confess to having been among those repeating wrong info, and thank Witherspoon family friend Aaron Martin for explaining these details to me, which he also wrote up as part of an Oscar preview for Tulane University Magazine.
For specific documentation on the name, you may also reference marriage license number 1999002007 from the Probate Court of Charleston County, South Carolina where Miss Reese married Matthew Phillippe in 1999.
I do hate making plain factual errors like this, but it happens. It's not like I'm Dan Rather purposely propagating a malicious forgery, but still. On the other hand, even so usually authoritative a source as the IMDB has these Reese details wrong as of this writing. I blame them.
Besides that, it's good to see Miss Reese get a well deserved Oscar for her part in the outstanding Walk the Line. That's at least one thing they got both popular and right this year.
Despite my major interest in Johnny Cash and June Carter though, my favorite Reese Witherspoon movie is still the criminally underappreciated 1996 Freeway , co-starring the wicked Kiefer Sutherland.
I had to get in a little plug for this unheralded classic. For one thing, it has my favorite piece of dialogue ever from her mouth, just as she's ready to put a bullet into Kiefer's head. Her practical judgment about the guy's mental condition from that same scene is a close second, though.
Anyway, congratulations to Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon from New Orleans, the Oscar certified best actress in the land.