The Hoosier Zionist League is simply a small show of support for America's friends in Israel.  Even if you leave religion out of it, Israel is a great nation that has been exceptionally restrained in the face of unbelievable condemnation and provocation, held to be guilty simply for existing and constantly blamed by all the supposedly cool people in the world for the sins of their enemies.  No other country in the history of man would be expected to endure the out and out daily acts of war waged against it without retaliation.

Cool people in some faculty lounge or wicked Islamists may hate the Jews, but Israeli's staunchest support in the world comes from rural America, especially but not exclusively evangelical Christians.  Here in Indiana, Al Barger sees literally thousands of individual homes marked with pro-Israeli signs.  The goal here is simply to document them as a small literal display of support. 

I intend simply to display pictures of Indiana homes adorned with pro-Israeli flags or signs, to amplify the public testimonies of support from my people.  I would intend to make one page per county of pictures.  If you are from Indiana and have such signs and sentiments, I would appreciate your co-operation.  Send me a photo of your home with the sign or American/Israeli flag combos or such.  I would not need or intend to identify you personally by name or address, simply as a Marion or Franklin or Orange County Zionist.  Or you could send pictures of yourself marked with prominent pro-Zionist buttons or clothing or jewelry.

ALL YOU GOT TO DO TO JOIN THE CLUB:  Snap a shot of your support for Israel, and email it to Al Barger gadfly@morethings.com with perhaps a subject line like Wayne County Indiana Zionist.  I would be happy to burden the servers to serve up a page with 1,000 pictures of homes of Union County Indiana supporters of Israel.  That'd be SWEET!




I would suggest that Zionists in other states with websites might consider similar projects.  I'd love to hook up with some California Zionists or Massachusetts Zionists. Pretty much any friend of Israel is a friend of mine.  And that's how it stands on Barger Road.

Holla Back!

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